Local Matters

Local Matters

“Someone I know just told me, why don’t you go to Ted’s, find what you need and then just go buy it somewhere else?”

It’s not often that we are left speechless but this comment did the trick. Luckily this customer understands the one key piece of information that their friend did not, one of the very first things that we explain to new employees during their training process: We do not charge more for the shoes that we sell. Period.

Yes, here at Teds we hand pick and curate a collection of footwear with a more premium construction and price point than other stores in our area. That may mean the shoes we sell may come with a higher price tag than you were expecting, but that price tag is not something that we created. The shoes we sell are all price protected, meaning you are going to pay the exact same price on any of our vendor’s websites. In fact, they are likely the very same price on every other website and in every other store. This is because the brands like to keep the playing field even so they have set very strict rules to places like us that say we cannot change the price of their shoes.  It’s called a Minimum Advertised Pricing Policy. We must adhere to these brand policies or we may lose the rights to sell the brand.    

Now, you may be saying to yourself, then why can I find what looks like the same shoe for $20-$40 less online? Most likely it’s because you are looking at a prior version of the same model. Every (or almost) year our brands release updated versions of their shoes in an attempt to always make them better. Shortly before the new version comes out they start to discount the older one. I mean, if you sell the latest and greatest iPhone and then Apple starts to hype up the new one and you know nobody will want the old version, what’s the best way to move them along? You put them on sale!

The good news is we offer an internet price match guarantee! It is truly not often that we have older versions of shoes in a lot of sizes because we try to be very strategic with how we take inventory into our store but sometimes these things overlap. If you are unsure, simply ask!

The bottom line is: if someone tells you you’ll have to pay more for shoes when shopping at Ted’s Shoe & Sport, it’s simply untrue. It’s part of our mission to make sure you get more than what you’re paying for. Our team is so focused on the customer experience, our training, and making sure your feet are measured, and the shoes you leave with simply feel fantastic.  That fitting process/needs assessment costs nothing, and we take pride in the old fashioned way of doing business. 

We do not take for granted your choice in shopping with us and allowing us to serve this community so faithfully for over 25 years so thank you. Thank you for continually allowing us to help you and be a part of you and your family’s lives.